Candace Learman, of Clarkston, Michigan, was a full-time speech pathologist in 2016 when she began to feel fatigued and dizzy. She attributed her symptoms to having two young children.

In March 2017, Candace was diagnosed with idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension (IPAH) and began treatment at the University of Michigan, a Pulmonary Hypertension Association (PHA)-accredited PH Care Center. She now takes three medications, including one administered through continuous IV.

After her diagnosis, Candace turned to PHA for information and support.

“PHA has been a wealth of information for both me and my family,” Candace says. “When I was first diagnosed, I was not ready to hear any of it, but PHA was there to provide information to my loving husband, parents and family.”

The family relies on PHA to keep updated on events, research and what’s going on in the PH world.

Candace and her family became involved in the Detroit O2breathe Walk to give back and get more involved in the PH community. She met others with PH through the walk, giving her hope and people to relate to.

“I raise money for PHA to continue to provide hope,” Candace says.”

Candace believes every donation, big or small, influences the lives of people affected by PH.

“Every penny we raise for PHA will raise awareness for this life-threatening disease and provide hope for a cure to someone like me.”

Help PHA provide hope to the PH community. PHA is a non-profit organization that relies on donations to fund its mission. To join Candace and her family in supporting PHA, donate here.