The Columbus, Ohio-area pulmonary hypertension community raised $21,500 in its first PHA O2breathe walk. The Oct. 8 event drew 143 participants, including people with PH patients, caregivers, friends, family, health care professionals and sponsors. The top fundraising teams were PHighting Buckeyes, OhioHealth and Breathing for Becca. The top individual fundraisers were Ella DuBro, Tiffani Brown and Debra Kittel.

Brown, who has PH and is a leader of the Ohio State University-Columbus Support Group, was among the speakers. She spoke about her goal to raise PH awareness as much as possible.

Scott Visovatti, MD, director of The Ohio State University Wexler Medical Center’s pulmonary hypertension program, discussed the need for more prompt evaluation/treatment. “I have the honor of bringing together talented health care providers and researchers … with one common goal: improving the lives of people with pulmonary hypertension.”

Eileen Lepionka, who had a double lung transplant last year, shared her PH journey and her high-oxygen requirements that led to the transplant. She said she was thankful for her “angel” donor and thinks of them every day.

Community events are among the many ways the PH community raises money to support Pulmonary Hypertension Association programs. The proceeds support our mission to extend and improve the lives of those affected by PH.

Our next community fundraiser is the the 16th annual Zebra Fest O2breathe Walk, Saturday, Nov. 11 in Dallas.

Interested in hosting or attending a fundraiser in your area? We want to hear from you.

Can’t attend a community event? Donate now.

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