Holiday Horrors: Battery Limits Disrupt Oxygen Users’ Travel Plans

A newly enforced limit on lithium-ion battery power in carry-on luggage has upended travel plans for Cathy Brown of Phoenix and other portable oxygen users. Although federal regulations allow certain portable oxygen concentrators in flight, guidance for 160-watt batteries isn’t as clear. Some airlines enforce the regulations more strictly than others, causing confusion. As a result, travelers face potential travel and treatment disruptions

Health care providers: Find your next career opportunity

Whether you're a physician, nurse, researcher or allied health professional, we make it easy to explore new job opportunities. Keep your resume/CV anonymous, and decide which employers can view your information. Find new opportunities through the PHA Career Center.

Join Us at an O2breathe Walk Near You

Pulmonary Hypertension Association O2breathe walks begin this weekend in Tampa. spring. PHA’s O2breathe walks bring together members of the pulmonary hypertension community to connect, celebrate the community’s accomplishments and raise funds to support PHA’s programs and services.

Submit Your PHPN Symposium Abstract or Session Proposal

Pulmonary hypertension professionals: Submit an abstract and breakout session proposal for PHPN Symposium. Themed “Igniting the PHight: Looking to the Future,” PHA’s PH Professional Network Symposium is set for Sept. 18-20, in Seattle. Learn more about submission criteria and submit your proposal(s) today.

Register for PHA Workshop in Charlotte

In-person pulmonary hypertension education begins this spring at the PHA Connects: PH Community Workshop in Charlotte, North Carolina. Join the Pulmonary Hypertension Association on Saturday, March 22 to hear from medical experts and meet the regional PH community.

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